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What scan filters should I use?
What scan filters should I use?

Learn which filters to use with FBA Wizard for the best results!

Shaun Mitchell avatar
Written by Shaun Mitchell
Updated over a week ago

Mastering FBA Wizard Filters: From Novice to Pro

Unlock the full potential of FBA Wizard with our versatile filtering system, designed to meet the needs of both beginners and advanced users alike.

Starting Out? Go Filter-Free

If you're new to FBA Wizard, our top tip is to start your scans without applying any filters. Why? Because:

  • Ease of Use: Jumping in without filters allows you to get a feel for the software without the complexity of settings.

  • Avoid Misses: Incorrect or overly ambitious filters might lead you to overlook great product opportunities or end up with no results, which can be frustrating.

Note for UK Sellers: We automatically add a percentage to fees to accommodate those not VAT registered. If you are VAT registered, you'll want to adjust this to 0.

Growing Your Confidence

As you become more familiar with the software and what to expect in terms of ROI% and profit margins, we suggest aiming for a minimum of 30% ROI and a $5 minimum profit margin. Setting your benchmarks here means you won’t miss out on any higher-yield opportunities either.

To understand a filter's function, just hover over the question mark next to each filter.

Saving Presets

We're all about saving you time which is why you can save different sets of filters.

This is very useful if you have a specific ROI% and profit margin for toys, and another for electronics for example.

To save your filters, simply enter all of your filter specifics and then follow the instructions below:

  1. Click "Manage Filter Presets"

2. Name your filter preset to reflect its purpose.

3. Click "Save my preset"

Ready to revisit your customized filters? Simply select "Manage Filter Presets" again, hit "Load," and you're good to go. You can update or delete these presets anytime to suit your evolving needs.

Need a Hand?

Got questions or need further assistance? Our support team is always ready to help. Reach out by clicking the blue icon in the bottom right corner or send us an email at [email protected]. We're here to ensure you make the most out of your FBA Wizard experience!

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